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C language. Passion of programming

"C language Passion of 8-bit controllers programming"

Another position from our publishing house. The book premiere took place on June 2012. It is a continuation or we can say – the second part of "AVR microcontrollers C language The Basics of Programming”. The books together are kind of planned teaching cycle. Issues discussed In these publications may show up a bit harder to understand for beginners because we touch here more advanced methods and ways of C language use and its specification during microcontrollers programming. Many times in the book an author mentions knowledge resources include in the first part. The teaching material divided this way lets for customization to every reader needs. Is it worth to read it? Definitely YES. Why? Because the author in a reliable way presents another part of workshop exercises. Here we can notice rather a big difference between the fist and the second book workshop. It is about libraries that were presented in the first part only in a purely educational way, not much optimized and they were built in the way to convey the knowledge used. The same in the second part we manage with libraries which are used in commercial projects. No limits! This time, according to the author’s idea, the libraries can be even used in target projects, without necessity to learn about their construction or detailed way of working. So the libraries are actually a big advantage of this book. Naturally getting familiar with the libraries construction and work will definitely facilitate their use in your own projects.

ISBN: 978-83-931797-1-8


Download table of contents and extensive excerpts in PDF file.



This time the book is clearly distanced from a technology related to AVR, although all examples, to a one, are started up on 8-biy microcontrollers. It is because only for this one 8-bit microcontrollers family there can be 100% free environments, compilers and the cheapest hardware programmers. It is of great importance for every hobbyist and amateur who starts its adventure with C language for microcontrollers. Many publications about other microcontrollers very often refers only to purely theoretical speculations or to solutions based on paid programming environments or just to the compilers. It usually allows to verify in practice if the scope of the knowledge can be used in practice by a reader. Those who are familiar with other microcontrollers families after reading the book and testing their knowledge from the first book - they willingly confirm that it is not worth to miss this continuation.


This time The Atnel company has gone one step further and every book sold includes non-profit, but full version license of “Pixel Factory” software. It is related to some few extensive chapters about color LCD TFT graphic displays software. Since now everyone who wants deal with this issue will find “all in one”. We have got here wide description and libraries for all kinds graphic displays and additionally usually anyone in this area starts searching related to a software for generation of fonts or bitmap, color and monochrome graphics. This time buying one book from our publishing house you can satisfy all your programming needs in this field.


What you will find in this book:
Infrared from A to Z
Virtual Toggle BIT, how to create your own remote basing on:
This chapter will for sure let you to get familiar with different kinds of IR (infrared radiation) standards coding - very deeply and from the beginning, Doing your own IR remote or any other remote operation, which we actually have near at hand will stop to be any problem for every reader. You will find here detailed descriptions on how to use a rich database about hundreds, thousands remotes from well-known website http://www.lirc.org/remotes in your own programs. Taking into consideration the fact that on the DVD attached to the book you can find ready, working libraries for many kinds of pilot standards operations and also their full source codes with extensive comments and manuals in the book on how to create such code from the beginning – only this chapter can be a basic reason to by this publication. Here you will find not only a batch for graphic remotes decoder but also the Source codes with detailed information on how to create it from the beginning by yourself.
Radio transmission 433/868MHz
Transmitters/Receivers: Aurel and Telecontrolli.
Manchester coding for everybody – libraries.
Have you ever faced with a need to create a remote control or even common remote based on radio transmission? Probably everyone who ever met with microcontrollers sooner or later feels the need. Lack of detailed information regarding to this subject, variety of solutions in transmitters, receivers, transceivers area and also different frequency bands may confuse. Many times we buy some module accidentally when we only read about it on some forum that it works fine using RS232 transmission and after that it shows up that we have lots of issues with it. This chapter will carry you through the whole specification of problems related to approach to radio transmission in aspect of microcontrollers. Here you will find carefully systemized information on radio modules frome the simplest to the complex ones. There is no such a possibility so you can’t be able to do practical exercises described in this chapter. Anyone thanks to this book can create his first radio remote or send data on larger distances. Source codes attached and prepared libraries will definitely help in that.
Hoperf 488/868MHz i 2,4GHz
Transcievers RFM12(B) and RFM70.
Libraries for anyone.
This chapter is a continuation of the previous one with the difference that more advanced transceivers radio support that cause implementation and start up problems to many internet users was clearly separated. In this book for the first time we have introduced absolutely different approach to support code writing for such modules. End of copy and paste of codes for modules initialization that include whole part of mysterious 16-bits words. This time it is friendly approach for anyone. Check yourself!
RFM70 – audio OnLine transmission.
Radio audio transmission.
Thanks to information from this section we can find out how to use modules that ensure very high bandwidth (up to 1MBit/s) for audio signal sending. These are simple exercises but they assure great possibility to learn the basis in this subject and also with possibilities of the modules. Examples described in the book we can see life, on a video and on our blog: LINK
WAV files playing from memory card.
Sounds playing is a task that anybody will face with on his way learning microcontrollers programming. In this chapter you can find basis of it and also find out in theory and practice how to implement it in your own projects. Since now every your device can be easily enriched in e.g. voice communicator support if needed. To see what we are talking about before you buy the book it is worth to read and watch videos on our blog: LINK
Graphic LCD TFT displays.
Fonts support from the ground, graphic procedures.
We are building digital frame AVR+ SD Card.
ground the programming support of graphic displays. The presented approach is universal enough to be used for many different displays, from monochrome one through simple matrix LED displays of own production to advanced color LCD TFT displays. Additionally, the author described the use of one of the best hardware controller of the displays available on the market – SSD1963 chip. Implementation examples are presented for displays from Winstar company with 3,5" and 4,3" diagonals. It is noteworthy that the description is very reliable and that there were presented very interesting, undocumented options that we can successfully use in own projects even using 8-bit microcontrollers. Additionally every reader gets full version of “Pixel Factory” software which was created especially for this book. It is a great tool that lets easily to get any fonts, fonts on displays in our own applications and also for RGB graphic files processing and their conversion. Many examples as additional descriptions and videos before you buy the book you will find here: LINK
Touch panel for STMPE811
Convenient touch panel operation on I2C + interrupts.
An excellent complement of the knowledge from previous chapter are examples of use and full operation of touch panels using specialized STMPE811 chip. Because who wouldn’t like to have a possibility to operate graphical touch displays. Thanks to the knowledge we provide and specially prepared hardware platform by the Atnel company – you will be able to get familiar with all the issues and to use them in your own projects – colloquially speaking – in a 5 minutes. LINK
PetitFS library without secrets.
Read + write on SD/MMC card of large amounts of data.
We build a data logger.
It is another example in our publication touching advanced use of simple libraries to operate memory cards Petit FS. The subject was mentioned for the first time by the author of the book uncommon way. At the same time everything is presented reliably in such a way so any reader can understand from the ground how it is done and how to start using this technique in their own projects. Check what are the effects of these possibilities applied: LINK. Writing to a file using the Petit FS is an innovative solution.
How to monitor STACK in AVR
Practical library to monitor the stack status.
The memory leak issue especially during advanced use of indicators in C language in the microcontrollers and related with it problems of stack overflow, failure etc. is well known for a long time. The author decided to present simple but very effective way to deal with it and monitor the stack in own programs. It is a very useful tool and described from scratch. It's hard to find such an analysis of the problem, not only in other this type publications but even in the Internet, including foreign languages websites.
LCD HD44780 - layers + objects
Another try of parallel programming,
Real time systems exercises for 8-bits.
The subject area in this section is rather wide and can’t be reduced only to description of simple animation methods on old alphanumeric displays. It is another scuffle on a very interesting example with use of real time system in each own project. Once again, the author tries to prove with success (as we can see following the opinions on www.forum.atnel.pl) that these are not complicated issues reserved only for advanced programmers. Please look at the author's blog to get familiar with visual capabilities of described example: LINK.
Audio I2S bus + TDA1543
WAV Player with the use of DAC 16-bit,
WAV reading from memory card.
This chapter as one of the distinguished, it was created basing on suggestions and expectations of many readers of the first part of the book “AVR Microcontrollers, C Language Basics of Programming”, which is also available in our offer. After exercises with simple audio playing, described in one of previous chapters – now it is time to face with 16-bit DAC, TDA1543 symbol. Playing sound and music is surprisingly better even sensational. The quality of played this way WAV files can be compared to a quality of popular mp3 players.
It gives incredible possibilities to extend the range of application. Moreover the whole support is written in C language, without any assembler inserts. So the construction of own cheap players since the book has appeared on the market became very common for anyone, even amateur and total beginner. Specially for the occasion the Atnel company prepared a mini evaluation set that allows you to do exercises from the book but also to create your own prototypes where the only limitation is our own imagination. Check yourself how the prototype works and what you can achieve:
RS232 – ASCII transmission
EVENTS based support.

Communication using own AT commands.
Finally we will find out about real data transmission operation possibilities via RS232 but using a bit more advanced C language techniques. The author was not able to convey the knowledge in the first part of his book because of the necessity to include very wide range of information about the basics issues, transmission interrupts support and cyclic buffer. The use and introduction to events support was just only mentioned at the end of previous book that’s why it was hard to add another part of information. Now the reader has the occasion to get familiar with professional but still very simple way of using transmission via ASCII signs. All are based on EVENTS and also very useful (also in opinion our readers) example of creation and use of own AT commands. It is definitely much easier, for beginners particularly, especially that the beginners unnecessary fear of imaginary problems with the technique and they wade into binary transmission and then they have many problems, troubles and obstacles. This chapter definitely puts an end to these problems. Now you either can successfully use AT commands in your own devices and you will more often and more willingly reach for this type communication.



The book can be bought in our online store

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