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ATB Manual rev:1.04


General view of ATB start-up kit rev:1.04


Default jumpers settings, dimension, scheme.
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Precision sockets in LEO and TAURUS packages

LEO and TAURUS packages are equipped with precision sockets. It does not mean that they are added separately to the start-up kit. They are mounted in, permanently to all THT integrated circuits such as: microcontroller, RTC PCF8583, EEPROM24c04, RS485, MAX485 and L232D. On right side you can see how the sockets look.    



Hardware programmer built-in
All the start-up kits from our company have a hardware programmer buil-in – it is significant cost saving and a huge convenience (only one USB cable between a PC and the kit at the same time allows for: programmer, power, RS232 communication). You won’t find that in other competitive companies. We are the only company that provide at the same time own original, accessories software we also provide correct operation of the programmer built-in and based on USB/RS232 adapter in form of FT232R chip in ECLIPSE environment!
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Every ATB kit includes:
(no matter what version)

Hardware programmer







Description of modules form the kit

displayers: LCD, 7-segm and LED diodes, IR diode

USB / RS232 / RS485 / Bluetooth

controllers: bridges circuits H (L293D), ULN2803

integrated circuits: RTC, EEPROM, RS485

electronic sensors: DS18B20, TFMS

memory card MMC/SD

micro-switches, buzzer

ADC and voltage measurement





Processors options and clocking
  The ATB start-up kits from The Atnel company lets for using directly in the DIP40 socket the microcontrollers, types: ATmega32(A), ATmega16(A), ATmega644, ATmega644P(A). There is also possibility to use smaller microcontrollers such as ATmega8/48/168/328 and also smaller such as ATtiny2313 and ATtiny13/25/45/85 similar on condition of using special and convenient converters o the smaller processors. We also have such converters in our offer.

Microcontrollers in DIP40 housing have pins for all their ports and to other signal connectors, on connectors “gold-pin” type. Thanks to proper distance of pin header from the processor there is very convenient way to seat processors ATmega8 and ATtiny type in the socket.

J6 and J7 jumpers serves to connect Rx (PD0) and Tx (PD1) lines of microcontroller directly to the USB/RS232 adapter. You should remember that if you want to use PD0 and PD1 pins of a processor to other purposes you should open J7 and J6 jumpers. Thanks to it you can use, absolutely independently from the USB/RS232 adapter.

SDA jumpers and SCL serves to convenient I2C bus disconnection, which is also by default connected to the PC0 and PC1 pins in microcontrollers ATmega32 type. The jumpers let to freely use the two independent integrated circuits that are standard equipment of the kit, namely: RTC chip in form of PCF8583 (real-time clock) and also a memory EEPROM 24C04 type.

Because the pins: PB5 (MOSI) , PB6 (MISO) and PB7 (SCK) are used for programming with ISP use, so you shouldn’t connect directly to them integrated circuits that serves as outputs I/O type because it can disturb the programming process. The most common example of troubles, among beginners occurs when to a B port of a microcontroller you will connect e.g. data lines of LCD displayer.




The microcontroller clocking options – that is one of the biggest advantages of all our start-up kits. The kits have all possible sources of external clocking and we can make a simple choice between them using a simple combination of three jumpers JK1, JK2 and JK3. An user hat to his disposal:

1. External crystal oscillator (by default 11,0592MHz)
2. External RC oscillator
3. External TTL generator

An extremely important feature of our kits is the fact that a user has full opportunity to exchange the crystal oscillators. A special socket built in ensures trouble-free performing many exercises during programming learning and also own project prototyping.


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ISP programmer connector and reset options
On the left side of a PCB board below the USB socket there is an ISP programmer socket placed in a KANDA standard. Thanks to it we can use from both, external ISP programmers nut also from a built-in programmer using special cable of the programmer.
In this moment it is worth to pay attention on how to read pins numbers when we are looking at the ISP socket and when we look at the end of a plugin of the external programmer cable. We present this very important picture on the left side which let you to avoid many problems, especially for beginners. .
On the right side of the ISP connector there are jumpers J1 and J2.Thanks to our solution that base on unused ISP socket lines use – a user has an ability to connect the ATB Ethernet in extremely easy way, without using any connection wire. That is because standard SPI lines were used (mosi, miso,sck) and also additional lines that control the Ethernet module such as CS and INT. As you can see on the scheme the JP1 jumper connects INT interrupt signal with the Ethernet module to PB2 pin (INT2) of the microcontroller and the J2 jumper lets for CS chip selection signal (Chip select) leading from PB4 pin of the processor.
 The RESET placed below the ISP socket is connected directly to the RESET pin of the microcontroller and thanks to that a user can at any time reset the processor. The reset line of the processor is pulled up with an oscillator 10k to VCC.
 The ARST jumper was prepared due to a possibility of Arduino / Nelduino platforms use in our kits and also because of possibility to perform a software reset of the microcontroller if it is necessary from "ATB Manager" application level. The RESET signal is given from USB/RS232 adapter, RTS and DTR pins (using 180R resistor and 100nF capacitor).


Power supply for the kit - options

All the kits from ATB serie can be powered in three different ways.

1. A socket of USB adapter USB/RS232 (and a program built-in)
2. A socket of ISP (Kanda) programmer
3. From an external power supplier stabilized with output voltage from +8V to +20V

Currently our kits are equipped with specialized power converters based on an integrated circuit A8398. To select power supply source you should set PWR SEL jumper properly. In USB position the power supply is taken from USB port of a PC and in EXT position (external) from external power supplier through the converter. A huge advantage of our converters is they do not emit large amounts of heat as it takes place using line stabilizers 7805. In addition our converters are not mounted permanently (you can take them out and use outside e.g. on a breadboard, when we use USB power supply) and also they are equipped with simple logical system that lets for control of the converter to turn it on and off. Details are described here LINK and for selecting power turning off option we can use S_on pin on which there is a jumper closed by default because it allows for constant work of the converter after power is turned on. If a user would like to use an option of software power supply turning off from the microcontroller level then he should take off the jumper from the S_on pin and connect the pin directly to the microcontroller (any port). You should remember here that in the software, right after program start you should immediately set high state on this pin. But if we want to turn off the power of the entire kit using software then it is enough to set a LOW state on the specified pin what will cause immediate turning the converter off. In the converter there is also a micro-switcher. It has a very practical functionality. After power supply connection from an external power supplier the converter is set by default in this way that it doesn’t start so the entire kit is switched off. When we are ready to work we can just click on a micro-button and the kit will be powered. Thanks to the converter we also have a possibility to chose power voltage: +3,3V and +5V (+5V by default). On the power supply input, before the converter there is a diode that protect against accidental reversed connection of power supplier pole.


Software included
You should pay attention that every kit includes full licenses versions of the following software: MkAvrCalculator,MkBootloader and also"ATB Manager"


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