Hardware programmer built in start up kit is rare on the market of such kits in Poland. More often you can find such option abroad. Our programmer is based on a popular and a very good chip from FTDI company - FT232R symbol. It is universal adapter USB/RS232. It should be added that it is FULL adapter in comparison to integrated circuits from other companies. We do not place the drawing above accidentally, because it shows very clearly the use of this small circuit possibilities in our start-up kits. A user has to his disposal full set of RS232 signals leaded out on goldpins and thanks to it he can use the USB/RS232 adapter functionality as almost independent module in our kits. Below – short description of use:
- a possibility for AVR microcontrollers programming
- RS232 communication (full interface)
- RS485 communication
- a possibility to use both at the same time: RS232 and programmer function
- a possibility to chose an output working mode: TTL or 3,3V
- TTL generator function for microcontroller needs
- use of all additional CBUS pins of the circuit
- a possibility to use the built-in programmer even in ECLIPSE environment!
- Full software support: MkAvrCalculator, MkBootloader and ATB Manager
Advantages of such an application base on incredible comfort of work with such complex kit because it is enough to connect it to a PC with ONLY one cable to get:
- programming the microcontroller in the kit
- kit powered to execute exercises from our books
- RS232 / RS485 communication
These are sometimes invaluable advantages especially when we are taking our favorite kit to travel with us just like a notebook and a book. And for that only one USB cable and a lot of fun guaranteed for learning, hobby etc.
You should remember that to start the built-in programmer a user must do some proper connections using four (4) connection wires or using dedicated programmer cable between RS232 pins and ISP (Kanda) programmer socket. Below in the pictures you can see a schematic way of connections that you should perform, how to prepare eventually the programmer cable of we have proper hardware for terminals crimping and also a picture where you can see a scheme of these connections even if we do not have access to the internet. MkAvrCalcultor will be helpful here – it is enough to click the picture as you can see in the third picture.